Ormskirk Market Day

W Lancs coat of arms

News update

New book

The second of our free publications funded by crowdfunded donations and Lancashire County Council,

Family History and the Landmarks of West Lancashire,

is now available from L.C.C. libraries in the West Lancashire area (Ormskirk, Skelmersdale, Parbold, Tarleton, Burscough) while stocks last

or to download via this link:

Family History and the Landmarks of West Lancashire


Following the book launch on 13 January 2025, Kate and Kathryn gave a radio interview about the project to Brian Conlan of Radio Heartbeat for broadcast to patients of Ormskirk and Southport hospitals. A recording of this interview is available for download, or listen here.


Next meeting...

Wednesday 26th February 2025

Ormskirk Gingerbread

Kathryn MacDonald

No need to book, just come along,

Guide Hut, Moorgate, Ormskirk (Opposite Hesford's) L39 4RU

Doors open 7pm, talk starts 7.30pm

All welcome, non-members £2.00 entrance.


 A Slice of Gingerbread - the Ormskirk Gingerbread Sellers can be purchased via this link:

A Slice of Gingerbread


Next Ormskirk Library Family History Helpdesk

Monday 3rd March 2025

10.30 a.m.- 11.30 a.m.


See "Events" and "Meetings" pages for details of upcoming events.



Welcome to the Ormskirk and District Family History Society,

covering the sixteen ancient parishes and townships of Western Lancashire


 Lancashire Administrative Map 1832 part

  • Aughton
  • Bickerstaffe
  • Burscough 
  • Downholland 
  • Halsall
  • Hesketh with Becconsall
  • Lathom
  • Lydiate
  • Maghull
  • Melling
  • Ormskirk
  • Rufford
  • Scarisbrick
  • Simonswood
  • Skelmersdale
  • Tarleton

Lancashire Administrative Map 1832

The Society was founded in 1980 as a focus for local history and genealogical interests. 



Membership renewals now due. We have streamlined our membership renewal, application, and payment processes - please visit the Membership  page for details.




Buy our products or pay your fees online: Parish Chest has gone live - click on this link...


(Latest update to Parish Chest 08/08/2020)


Would you like to place an advert in our magazine?

A quarter-page space (6.3cm by 9.2cm/21/2 inch by 35/8 inch) has become available; advertising rates £12 per year.

We publish three magazines each year, so each advert costs £4. Please get in touch for further details - contact Kate at: chairman[at]odfhs.email


Meetings should be on the fourth Wednesday of each month (excluding December when there is no meeting) at the Guide HQ, Moorgate, Ormskirk L39 4RU at 7.30 pm, with various speakers and topics (see the meetings page for future meeting details). Free to members.  Non-members are very welcome; we request a donation of £2 from visitors.

Our Research Library is now located at the Scout Hall, 7 Wigan Road, Ormskirk L39 2AP

To join the Society please use the links to go to the Membership page.

You can email us on secretary -[at]- odfhs.email, (change the " -[at]- " to @ in the email).

We publish three journals a year, and we have items for sale to aid research - something for everyone! What can start out as a curiosity can end up as a rewarding hobby!

Note: These pages are best viewed in desktop view mode, and this is now supported by most small-screen devices (smartphones, tablets, etc.). If things don't look right on your chosen device, go to the browser menu (top right-hand corner, usually) and activate the "Desktop site" option.

Regular visitors will have noticed that things are changing on this site, so please bear with us during refurbishment - all the original notes are still there, but not necessarily in the right order (as someone once said). Feel free to contact the website manager if something seems broken.

ODFHS is a member of the Family History Federation



Ormskirk Church
Ormskirk Parish

Ormskirk railwaymen 1908
Ormskirk Station

Scarisbrick Hall 1815
Scarisbrick Hall

Skelmersdale Station

Moor Street market
Moor Street